Purple Hybrid
A Renaissance Fantasy
Coming Soon

“Everybody copes with a secret pain.”

After the collapse of the old world, an era of peace for humanity began. A hermit Demigod hides in a great city, idly watching the starry night skies. He dreams of greater purpose, finding himself displaced in this new world.

Purple Hybrid: A Renaissance Fantasy is a visual novel by Michaelius A’Chapelo, soon available for PC and Android.


A hermit living quietly when the rest of world sleeps, he aimlessly looks for something or someone while wondering about his displacement in the world at large.

All that changes when he meets Eisenrose, a young girl seeking her kin, whose plight he empathises with.


A young traveling dancer, she left behind a quiet life to embark on a journey to find the remnants of her family.

She struck a deal with a noble who helped her locate Lucretius, but now she has a debt to pay off.


The countess of a desolate mansion, she holds the power to spot the glowing spirits of other demigods from afar.

She uses this power to help Eisenrose locate Lucretius. However, her husband may want something in return for such a favour...


The Count of Rosenroede Mansion, he has suffered persecution due to his lineage.

He now dreams of creating a sanctuary for all demigods. To realize his vision, he declares his county independent from the kingdom he ought to serve.


The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Mantichorus, he refuses to take the throne for reasons not yet known.

An old friend of Count Voldemiraz, he now opposes his ambitions of independence in a power-struggle to preserve his territories. He longs to restore his kingdom to its former glory.


The Princess of Mantichorus and estranged younger sister of Crown Prince Elliot, she has lived most of her life away from the royal palace.

Her life becomes distraught when Prince Elliot requests her return to the capital. She worries how her brother has changed since their separation as children.


The Grand Duchess of Grannzilvier, she never leaves the mansion out of fear for attempts on her life.

Seemingly disinterested in ruling her territory, she remains stuck between internal factions warring for influence.


A wandering warrior without peer, she is the last survivor from an isolated stronghold destroyed by an avalanche.

She has since earned a name for herself, and accumulates influence in hopes of one day making the dangerous ascent to the remains of her home.


A noblewoman from Grannzilvier and wife to Crown Prince Elliot, she will one day become Queen of Mantichorus.

With ties to both royal courts of Grannzilvier and Mantichorus, she often serves as a mediator between the two territories.


A knight from a prominent family in Mantichorus, she now serves as Grand Duchess Celeste of Grannzilvier.

Her service to Celeste has contributed to preventing the complete collapse of her court into civil chaos.


Lord of the glorious city of Luce Lumen, the main centre of art and culture within the Kingdom of Mantichorus.

Taking a neutral stance in the conflict between Count Voldemiraz and the Crown Prince, he commands a fleet more powerful than anybody else.


The son of a once prominent family in Mantichorus, he has since lost his family and the right to their territory.

He now follows various Mantichorean nobles in hopes of finding a suitable master to serve.


The younger sister of Lady Valencia, she is the leader of a vigilante group in Grannzilvier.

As the royal court of Grannzilvier often dismiss her interests, she has founded her own band of scrappy fighters in the interest of influence.


A lone outcast without a place to call home, he lives independently from civilization and solemnly watches over conflicts from afar.

He takes an interest in Lucretius, hoping that perhaps they share the same cynicism about society.


The general of Grannzilvier's armed forces and a veteran knight, he nevertheless remains displeased with Celeste's ineffective rule.

Just like Grace and her vigilante group, he is ready to employ the military force should he deem it necessary.


A warrior who wields a blade larger than a great man, Count Voldemiraz has appointed her as the commander of his military force, however tiny it is.

She is the first demigod to seek shelter at Rosenroede Mansion, due to her exile from Grannzilvier. Her situation inspired Voldemiraz' desire to construct a safe haven for all demigods who have lost their home.

A Renaissance Fantasy

Purple Hybrid is set in a fantasy setting inspired by the historical early modern period, namely 16th century Europe. Here you can stay at cozy harbours, journey to lone mansions, visit gilded palaces and gothic cities.

Outside of habitable location, the depiction of landscapes with fantastical colour palettes emphasizes the sense of other-worldliness.